Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Dream of Four

The Dreams last night explained the symbolism of Four.
The four points on the Square represent the points of the Fibonacci spirals in nature.
This is represented in "Building a Tesseract"  click here to read  as the tower.

In the post the string of reality is wound around the four points.
The triangle "holds" the energy.  The 4th point creates a square and is the contact point where the string connects to the next level of the spiral.

The Players of this drama are living geometry.
For over 20 years I had dreams of a pair of jockeys.   I met these two within days of my moving back to Aztec.  Then there was a 3rd jockey.  The Skateboarder makes the fourth point on the square and the connection to the next level of reality.  They all lived next to me in the same apartment, the Skateboarder moving in as the jockeys left.

Mrs. and Mr. Bill, the owners of Bubba's have the same Libra birthday.  Cheryl and Dave both are Libras.  Mrs. and Mr. Bill are the "same".  Cheryl is family and they make a triangle.  Dave is the outsider making 4th connection point.  Together they "hold" the Earth Magic of this property.

There seems to be a yin/yang principle in this that creates the movement of the spiral.
Mrs. and Mr. Bill represent the sameness, the stability.  Cheryl and Dave represent the opposites, the wild card that pushes growth.  The four of them are all Libras,  a pair of same and a pair of opposites.
The "4th People" are the center pole while the "3 People" are the stairs
 and the railing around the stairs  "holds" Reality.
It's a piece of cake.

I believe that this geometry is expressed in Excalibur....the X crossing of 4 points of a Square.

Which looked at from above is this.  
The "stone" is the sacred  geometry of a crystal.

The hilt crosses the blade and is plunged into the "stone"
....the orb, the sphere, the planet, the sacred geometry.
Globus cruciger 

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