Thursday, November 8, 2018

National Geographic - America Before Columbus

The Scotch Irish Connection.

I'm sharing  letters I wrote to my friend, The Sunshine Bear.

Hi Joe... I know you think I'm crazy....LOL....but thought I'd forward you this info that I sent my good friend Sandra from Santa Fe.  She's married to a guy from Los Alamos.   She also has been getting the same dreams as I have and we've been puzzled by the Scot Irish connection.  Kezhia and I both were married to red headed Scot Irish guys.  LOL

Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 at 4:56 PM

Subject: The Scot Irish Connection
Hi Sunshine...
I think I'm figuring out why Scotland keeps twining with this "event".  
I'm getting that all of these coincidences led to Aztec to create a alternative timeline portal.
And what would be where history got screwed up?  
The conquering of the New World and slavery of the natives, rise of global power and the dominance of religion.
Queen Isabella/Ferdinane financed Columbus in the New World.  This created Spain as a wealthy global power and the domination of the native peoples of the New World.   Tho Isabella disagreed with Columbus taking natives as Slaves.
Their daughter was Catherine of Aragon who was Henry 8th's first wife and Bloody Mary's mother.   Their divorce separated England from Rome.   Before the divorce Mary was expected to be the next queen.  After Henry's marrige and Queen Elizabeth's birth Mary was considered a bastard and had a very difficult life.
She eventually became queen and turned England back to being Catholic which earned her the name Bloody Mary because she had so many people burned to death as heretics.  When she died childless Elizabeth became queen and England went back to Protestant.
When Elizabeth died her cousin James became king making him King of England, Scotland and Ireland.  He is responsible for the King James Version of the bible and was responsible for burning witches.  Evidently witch crafts scared him, but being bi-sexual he was a bit of a hypocrite about men with men.
The other tie in with Scotland is because that is where the Templars fled to after the Pope and the king of France destroyed them.  They worshiped Mary and held the secrets of the royal divine bloodline which was threatening to Rome.
King Robert the Bruce of Scotland and the Knights Templar
Now I am picking up that some of these same characters have reincarnated to this time/space and have come to play out the distortions of the past.
I'm expecting events to come together that hold a more enlightened vibration (expressed through music) that will open the vortex and lead down the corridor to a New Earth.
We'll see.  :)
 Love, Beth


Multiple Selves and Incarnations                  

 This sort of goes along with what I was talking about.   The son of the woman on the left committed suicide and now she has a variety of "mediums" who channel her son Erik on a variety of subject.