Monday, June 9, 2014

Wife Swap

One of the TV shows I'll watch is "Wife Swap" where a wife trades places with another family across country that is way different from themselves.  So I was not disappointed when I answered Rose and Desi's Craigslist add for a roommate.  Rose is my age and Desi's Auntie.  A week before I moved in Rose's Sister/Desi's Mom had died.  That wasn't in the ad.  I'd  been having dreams of this family so I knew I needed to be here.  Now I'm leaving after three years.

Rose and her sister had been illegally adopted by 50 year old Mormon's from their Navajo mother so she rides a bi-cultural fence.  Things like that were done then on the Reservations.  Her story is in the book she wrote.  We talked often about how her life would have been different if she hadn't been adopted where she would have been raised in a Hogan without water.  In this life she lived the society life in Washington, DC.  So what makes a Real Person?  There are parts of Rose that are Navajo even though she wasn't raised there.  When I visualize the Rose I know and the Rose who would have stayed there would be a great difference.  

It's been a very interesting stay being a guest in their home and it's been like having my files rebooted.  At the end of "Wife Swap" they always hug and then it shows how their lives changed a few weeks later.  My life changed a lot.  A small example is how a big part of my identity had been  as a cook and I've only had a small portion of kitchen space for 5 years.  This is a silly example when there have been some kick-ass examples of how my Slate has been wiped clean.

So this is also part of the Experiment.  What is true Identity? 
What is even True? 

I know that I am a different person.  Before I came to live with Rose I was not a true person.   I think that the split in my face from the Bells Palsy was a symptom of that split.  Rose gave me the space to clean out the closets.  Time to sew a new wardrobe.

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