Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mission Statement

Living Downtown Santa Fe is going to be pretty Trippy.  It's not a place I intend to stay long.  It's like living in the Enchanted Castle at Disney Land.  But what a Cool Place to hang out for awhile and meet people from all over the World on the Plaza.
I came for the Art and now it's going to be in my backyard.  I want to spend some time just fooling around with all this art supply I've gathered. 
We're going to have a lot of Cocktail Parties.  Many of the Ladies that run the shops and galleries are coming along with some interesting people I've met.  I'm thinking about starting a tradition of having Cocktails after work on Fridays then go on to the Gallery Opening that run through the summer on that night.
The place is just incredibly beautiful and because of the Tourist Trade many exotic things are offered.
One of the shops below me sells about 20 different olive oils and flavored Balsamic Vinegar.  Which we'll need for the Cocktail Parties. 
Turn a corner and I get my spices at The Savory where I can get Black Chocolate.  I have a recipe for Coffee Brownies.  Yum.
All winter I've been working on my cookbook "Soul Food".  I'm blown away by the technology of having all that info online, then pulling out a Tablet and access it.  It used to be I'd haul ten cookbooks with me each time I moved. And I am surrounded by high end grocery stores with exotic food.  There is no ingredient for any recipe I can't find.  For me, that's Nirvana.  LOL 
And I need food for the Cocktail Parties.

Coming to the Plaza early morning with your coffee has got to be one of the most Blissful Things to do.  The air at that time in the mountains is sweet and the energy of a spot that holds so much history is worthy of the Beautiful Cathedral down the street.  Now I'll be a block away.  I could sneak down in my pajamas and probably not get caught.  Then as the day turns people from all over the world stroll in and it's easy to start up conversations.  Tourists are always looking for direction or want to tell you about their Vacation.  Many interesting stories.

And I want to share those stories.

Another reason for writing is to document The Altered Reality that is ShapeShifting around here.  More than just me is picking up the Vibe.  I'm having a lot of synchronicity and I try to figure out why and where it's leading.  A lot of good stories .  I just have to decide what I want to share.
I continue reluctantly.  This is "Forever" once I send it "OutThere".  So I want to be "wise". :-)
I swear I was burnt at the Stake in a Past Life for running my mouth off.

But there are some odd and pleasant things happening.  Santa Fe is sort of the Eye of the Storm for that stuff.  You can't throw a stone without hitting a Psychic.  Some people believe that Ancient Technology lies below the Parking Garage and is sending out Cosmic Juice thru the Obelisk in the center of the Plaza.  At this point I would not doubt it.  And the air is thin.
And keeping a Diary will help my kids in case I vanish in thin air.  Snap!  LOL

In an Essay a couple back on "A Year of Living in Santa Fe" are pictures of my future neighborhood. taken over 5 years ago.  The opportunity for the apartment was just by Chance.  I got to be good friends with the manager who I met on the bus.  It is just happenstance  that things are aligning for me to move in.
More and more things are Happenstance.  It's a bit freaky sometimes, but becoming increasingly more fun. :-)

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